Tags: home automation*

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  1. Google Gemini simplifies creating advanced home automations with its script editor and YAML language, making it user-friendly for non-technical users. Learn how to use Gemini for smart home automation.

  2. Software Plugins for HomeSeer smart home software and hubs, allowing integration with thousands of smart home products and technologies.

  3. Seeed Studio has introduced two new mmWave sensor kits, designed for edge AI detection of falls and heartbeats respectively. These kits are powered by the company's XIAO ESP32C6 development board and pre-installed edge-AI algorithms.

  4. This article details how to use a software-defined radio (SDR) to read data from utility meters, allowing for a more complete understanding of energy usage in a smart home.

    2024-07-30 Tags: , , by klotz
  5. Here are the steps I took to convert the plugs from Tuya to Tasmota to ESPHome:

  6. 2019-06-10 Tags: , , by klotz
  7. 2012-09-03 Tags: , , , by klotz

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